Website Copy Package

Does your website sing your song?

Here's a simple truth: All the pretty pictures and videos on your website won't mean a damn to the success of your business unless the copy (the words and phrases) that tells your audience who you are, what you do and how you can help creates some kind of CONNECTION.

Here's just a sample of what your website copy does every day:

  • It represents you, your brand and your brand personality. It outlines what your brand stands for and what it stands against. It illustrates how you can help your audience solve whatever issue they may have, from accounting snafus to a rainy day.

  • It informs and instructs, making it as easy as possible to determine that YOU are the one and only human-shaped human who has the skills to help with your client's dilemmas.

  • It builds credibility and trust with your audience, allowing them to see your value, even when you aren't present.

  • It allows clients to easily contact and work with you – a must have in this time when a gazillion alternatives are but a mouse-click away.

  • It acts as a sales rep, an ambassador and a gatekeeper... all rolled into one.

Whew! That's a lot of work for a bunch of words on a website. However, if you're like many entrepreneurs, familiar questions are racing through your mind right now:

"How am I going to create all that content? And when the hell am I going to get the time to do it?"

As William Shakespeare (who famously also had trouble creating great content for his website) once said, "There's the rub." Though he may have been talking about sunblock.

You're an entrepreneur-flavoured human, and that means you’ve got a crazy-busy schedule – helping your clients, running your business, solving crimes, generally being awesome... it’s a full time job. And then there’s the expense!

My Website Copy Package is a self-contained, infinitely adaptable service designed to ensure that your website speaks directly to your audience in a clear and powerful voice – yours. I’ve designed it to be as cost-effective as possible, allowing you to free up a resource more precious than One Direction tickets at a junior high school: time.

The investment required for this copywriting intervention is just $555 USD and here's what you get:

  • Collaboration / kickoff meeting with me to determine tone and voice.

  • 1 Home page

  • 1 About page

  • 1 Services / Products page

  • 1 Contact page

  • 1 Other page (as required)

  • 12 social media posts promoting your products or services

  • All edits and research as required.

Your copy should tell your story and sing your song loudly and proudly. If you’re looking to rebuild your website copy, or even to start from scratch, this is the PERFECT opportunity.

Hit the button below and let's get started!


You have a story to tell and your audience is listening…

shall we begin?