Mackenzie Who?

Life speaks to life.

Before we get too deep into this, there are two things you need to know about me: I'm a writer and I'm not really into following ‘the rules.’

Being the perspicacious human-shaped human you undoubtedly are, the first point will be self-evident. I'm a copywriter, a scribbler, a practitioner of linguistic legerdemain... you get the idea. The kinds of clients I love working with most are the entrepreneurs, the misfits who have turned their back on the traditional "work-for-someone-else-until-you-die" model - abandoning the race to the rats, as it were. These upstarts possess the unmitigated audacity to believe they can do better on their own. (Spoiler: They're quite often right.)

I'm going to make an educated guess and say that if you're still reading these words, you're one of those delightfully chutzpah-filled rapscallions, in which case... welcome! We're going to get along just fine.

My second point may require some explanation. To put it simply, I'm not a believer in the concept of, ‘that's how it's always been done,’ a phrase used most often by the marketing intelligentsia, i.e., ‘Those Who Understand Such Things.’

Now please don't misunderstand me here: I'm not referring to breaking the rules. I never break rules. I bend them, circumvent them, reinterpret them and sometimes ignore them... but I never break them.

Glad we cleared that up.

The ‘rules’ I'm referring to include pushy, manipulative marketing copy, clickbait-filled drivel that many marketers will assure you - with a level of sincerity roughly equal to a man confessing his love for a woman he met three drinks earlier - absolutely work.

And you know what? They do work. much the same way that turning off your television with a hammer ‘works.’ It does the job, but you don’t exactly feel great afterward.

But I digress. You came here to find out more about the human-flavoured human known as Mackenzie Clench, so allow me to enlighten you further. Next stop: 1975...

I began my writing 'career' (such as it is) when I was four years old. My first client was my mother, who seemed impressed with my literary endeavours, made entirely with magnetic letters on the refrigerator door (my first experience with typesetting as it turned out.) Despite lacking a suitable brief from the client, I was able to pen my magnum opus - a pithy but powerful tagline: "I luv mom" - and present it to the client. Payment for my work came in the form of two chocolate chip cookies (I had negotiated the raise from the single cookie initially offered.)

From there, I moved on to more experimental work, combining letters on the refrigerator door and asking my mother what they said. Often these were nonsense words, like 'GRTYA,' 'THNGR' or 'BRAGGADOCIOUS,' but my mother would patiently try to pronounce them as if they were words. I became obsessed with the cadence and rhythm of written language, and a love affair was born.

Fast forward to today, and I bring to the world of copywriting that same level of passion for the written word, as well as experience working in many different industries. In fact, it might be faster to list the jobs I haven't done (Prime Minister, nuclear technician, Pope). This extensive work experience has provided me with insights into many different industries, and those insights translate into my work as a scribbler-at-large.

A little more about me:

  • My pronouns: They / Them. Because why limit oneself to traditional labels?

  • I’m proudly neurospicy, specifically Autism and ADHD. (Don't worry, I only use my powers for good.)

  • I am a Writer of Words (mainly because a Writer of Numbers would be uber-boring)

  • My home? The Far East of Canadia-land, specifically the island of Newfoundland. Yes, we have our own half-hour time zone. Why? I’m afraid that’s classified.

  • I'm a firm believer in the power of a thesaurus (coolest dinosaur ever).

  • Convinced that 1+3=3 (I can prove it) and that words can, indeed, change the world.

  • My writing? Designed to make you think, laugh, cry, and possibly consult a dictionary.

  • I have an inordinate love for parentheses (but I don't think it's too obvious.)

The material I write connects you to your audience on a genuine, human level. It draws a through-line from the heart of your business to the hearts of your customers. It's designed to do more than simply make sales - it turns transactions into long-term relationships.

My entire business is built on a simple concept: Life speaks to life. If you speak to your audience with integrity and humanity, they'll respond in kind.

Concepts like SEO and content optimization are useful tools, but they're merely tools to ensure your material gets seen by those who can benefit most from it. A great deal of the content I see online has been optimized to within an inch of its life - a lovely tribute to the search engine gods perhaps, but of little use to the actual human-shaped human who needs it. In the end, Google is NOT your customer.

If you're an established entrepreneur looking to breathe new life into your written material, or even a new business owner creating material for the first time, we need to talk!

In order to create copy that will resonate with your audience, I need to understand more than just your message and your voice - I need to connect with your deeper purpose - the reason you got on this crazy funhouse ride in the first place. Not sure what that is? Don't worry, we'll discover it together!

You have a story to tell and your audience is listening…

shall we begin?